I am using Python FastAPI and Jinja2, all of which I am new to. I am able to set cookies alone or return html templates on their own, but I cannot work out how to do both at once.
Setting cookies only works as expected, but returning a template seems to overwrite that and just returns html with no cookies.
@app.get("/oauth/auth", response_class=HTMLResponse)
async def login_page(request: Request, response: Response):
client_Code_Req_Schema = ClientCodeReqSchema(client_id=request.query_params.get("client_id"), redirect_uri=request.query_params.get("redirect_uri"), response_type=request.query_params.get("response_type"))
if check_client(client_Code_Req_Schema):
response.set_cookie(key="redirect_uri", value="test")
return templates.TemplateResponse("authorize.html", {"request": request})
raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid request")
Many thanks for any advice. Happy to provide more info if I missed something.
You should set the cookie on the TemplateResponse
instead—which is returned from that endpoint—not the Response
object defined in the endpoint's parameters, which could be used when returing a simple (JSON) message, e.g., return {'msg': 'OK'}
Related answers that you might find helpful can be found here, here and here.
@app.get("/oauth/auth", response_class=HTMLResponse)
async def login_page(request: Request):
if ...
response = templates.TemplateResponse("authorize.html", {"request": request})
response.set_cookie(key="redirect_uri", value="test")
return response
raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid request")