I use the DevExpress Framework for development in VB.net. I am facing issues with the DevExpress TreeList control, which is not a problem with the control itself but the algorithm for hiding specific nodes. I am not able to find a suitable solution.
A checkbox fires the event to hide nodes which do not have nodes with the [Type] "GLAccount". The code snipped below works in as much as only the parents of GLAccounts will be hidden but it does not inherits the information upwards (to the grandparents and their parents) to make them invisible as well. As soon as there aren't any nodes with the [Type] "GLAccount" the parents should be not visible, but if sibbling nodes have "GLAccounts" then not all parents should be invisble.
Checkbox event:
Private Sub BarCheckItem1_CheckedChanged_2(sender As Object, e As ItemClickEventArgs) Handles bciHideEmptyAccounts.CheckedChanged
If CType(bciHideEmptyAccounts.Checked, Boolean) Then
hideNodesRecursive(treeListLeft.Nodes, False)
hideNodesRecursive(treeListLeft.Nodes, True)
End If
End Sub
Sub being fired by the Checkbox event depending whether Checkbox value is true/false:
Private Sub hideNodesRecursive(ByVal nodes As TreeListNodes, ByVal bHide As Boolean)
For Each node As TreeListNode In nodes
If node.HasChildren Then
hideNodesRecursive(node.Nodes, bHide)
If Not CType(node.GetValue("Type"), String) = "GLAccount" Then
node.Visible = bHide
End If
End If
End Sub
Use Case 1: Structure given shows different level of nodes. GLAccounts do only occure in the last level (they do not have childs).
The blue highlighting shows that the event hides the nodes properly.
Result: Previously blue highlighted node disappeared.
Uase Case 2: again, blue highligthed nodes will be properly hidden, but the orange node is still visible.
The visibility of each node can be evaluated by the logical OR of all its Childs. So, even one of its Childs is visible (has a value of "GLAccount") it should be visible.
I slightly changed the BarCheckItem1_CheckedChanged routine. Also added a simple sub to show all nodes (Show_Nodes) because cannot found any method in DevExpress documentation for setting the visibilty of all treelist nodes.
Can not check the code by the time of this post, but it is logically correct.
Private Sub BarCheckItem1_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles bciHideEmptyAccounts.CheckedChanged
IF bciHideEmptyAccounts.Checked THEN
End Sub
Private Sub hideNodesRecursive(ByVal nodes As TreeListNodes)
For Each node As TreeListNode In nodes
node.visible= CSTR(node.GetValue("Type")).equals("GLAccount")
IF NOT isnothing(node.parentnode) THEN
node.parentnode.visible= (node.parentnode.visible OR node.visible)
End Sub
SUB Show_Nodes(nodes AS treelistnodes)
FOR EACH node AS treelistnode IN nodes
node.visible= TRUE
Show_Nodes(node. Nodes)
EDIT: treeListLeft.BeginUpdate() / treeListLeft.EndUpdate() added according to the point mentioned in comment by smartini