I would like to add interactive map points on a map that I created using highcharter. Everything looks fine up to the point that I add those points.
While the points appear on the correct location, the colors and legend change completely.
Here's my example code.
These are the data frames for the reproducible example.
#Data frame with patients per state
abbr <- c("AK", "GA", "CA", "CT", "HI", "IA", "KY", "LA", "NJ", "NM", "WA", "UT")
fips <- c("02", "13", "06", "09", "15", "19", "21", "22", "34", "35", "53", "49")
V2 <- c(4, 22, 77, 16, 0, 5, 6, 9, 15, 3, 13, 22)
States<- data.frame(abbr, fips, V2)
#Data frame with center locations
name <- c("UCLA", "Stanford")
lon <- c(-118.26, -122.17)
lat <- c(34.04, 37.43)
VHL_centers <- data.frame(lon, lat, name)
This is the part of the code that works correctly.
hcmap("https://code.highcharts.com/mapdata/countries/us/us-all.js", #Construct map
data = States,
name = "Patient number",
value = "V2",
joinBy = c("postal-code", "abbr"),
borderWidth = 1,
borderColor = "darkred",
dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE, format = "{point.properties.postal-code}"),
tooltip = list()) |>
hc_legend(layout = "horizontal",
verticalAlign = "bottom",
align = "center",
valueDecimals = 0,
valueSuffix = "") |>
hc_title(text = "VHL patients per state") |> #Add title
hc_subtitle(text = "Source: SEER database") |> #Add subtitle
hc_colorAxis(stops = color_stops(colors = viridisLite::inferno(10, begin = 0.1)))
This is my code when I try to add the centers' locations.
hcmap("https://code.highcharts.com/mapdata/countries/us/us-all.js", #Construct map
data = States,
name = "Patient number",
value = "V2",
joinBy = c("postal-code", "abbr"),
borderWidth = 1,
borderColor = "darkred",
dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE, format = "{point.properties.postal-code}"),
tooltip = list()) |>
hc_legend(layout = "horizontal",
verticalAlign = "bottom",
align = "center",
valueDecimals = 0,
valueSuffix = "") |>
hc_title(text = "VHL patients per state") |> #Add title
hc_subtitle(text = "Source: SEER database") |> #Add subtitle
hc_colorAxis(stops = color_stops(colors = viridisLite::inferno(10, begin = 0.1))) |> #Change color scale
hc_add_series(data = VHL_centers,
type = "mappoint")
Ideally I would like to have just the points with a single color (let's say black), with the names appearing only when I hover over them and not directly on the map.
Thanks for your help!
One option to fix your issue would be to assign a different colorAxis
to your points, e.g. colorAxis=1
, so that the first colorAxis
(aka index 0
) is still applied to your map.
hcmap("https://code.highcharts.com/mapdata/countries/us/us-all.js", # Construct map
data = States,
name = "Patient number",
value = "V2",
joinBy = c("postal-code", "abbr"),
borderWidth = 1,
borderColor = "darkred",
dataLabels = list(
enabled = TRUE,
format = "{point.properties.postal-code}"
tooltip = list(),
) |>
layout = "horizontal",
verticalAlign = "bottom",
align = "center",
valueDecimals = 0,
valueSuffix = ""
) |>
hc_title(text = "VHL patients per state") |> # Add title
hc_subtitle(text = "Source: SEER database") |> # Add subtitle
hc_colorAxis(stops = color_stops(
colors = viridisLite::inferno(10, begin = 0.1)
)) |> # Change color scale
data = VHL_centers,
type = "mappoint",
colorAxis = 1,
color = "black"