
AI Platform Pipeline 2.0.0 deployment not visible on GCP Console

On GCP, I created a new Kubernetes cluster 1.26 and deployed kubeflow pipelines 2.0.0 on it. The deployment went fine but on the AI Platform Pipeline page, I don't see the new deployment. Due to this, I am unable to open the newly deployed 2.0.0 kfp dashboard.

I tried with a public and private k8s cluster. I also tried with version 1.27 of Kubernetes and the same result. The UI of ai-platform is empty.

If I go to Kubernetes > Applications, I see that my deployed application is in good health and all components are deployed properly.


  • Google support responded and they confirmed that there is some bug due to which the url is not visible on the console. It will be resolved soon. In the mean while, you can extract the kubeflow pipelines url using the following command

    kubectl describe configmap inverse-proxy-config -n default | grep