I get a snapshot from Firestore like this:
return userCollection
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: fromDate,
isLessThan: toDate,
.orderBy('created', descending: true)
.map((list) =>
list.docs.map((doc) => Values.fromSnapshot(doc)).toList());
then I convert it to a Values Model:
Values.fromSnapshot(DocumentSnapshot<Map<String, dynamic>> snapshot)
: created = snapshot.data()!['created'],
type = snapshot.data()!['type'],
value = snapshot.data()!['value'].toDouble();
The "type" is a String. How can I convert it to a specific ValuesType
enum ValueType { first, second, third }
The String has not the same name: For example "one", "two", "three". How is the right way to do this?
You could change your enum to this for example
enum ValueType {
static ValueType fromString(String s) => switch (s) {
"one" => first,
"two" => second,
"three" => third,
_ => first
And then use it as
type = ValueType.fromString(snapshot.data()!['type']),