
AIX Version 6.1 tar script

I need to create a script in AIX Version 6.1 that create a zip file containing a txt and several pdf. I am not used to scripting in this environment except for some basic so I am sure I am missing something obvious and I try to provide as much info as I can about what I am doing. Here the script I set (createzip.sh):

tar -cv myArchiveName.zip 
tar -rvf myArchiveName.zip *.txt 
tar -rvf myArchiveName.zip *.pdf 
rm *.txt 
rm *.pdf

Executing each one via command line that results as I expect without errors, but using createzip.sh this error is raised:

tar: /dev/rmt0: The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.

Here the permissions

-rwxr-xr-x    1 oracle   dba             234 Aug 31 09:31 createzip.sh

I split the tar command in multiple calls because the final script would be like :

tar -cv myArchiveName.zip && tar -rvf myArchiveName.zip *.txt && tar -rvf myArchiveName.zip *.pdf && rm *.txt && rm *.pdf


I was creating the archive on Unix system and "reading" on in Windows system so I don't notice any error in files due to naming the archive with extension zip. No specific request about the archive extension so I can use tar without focusing on this matter. I use multiple instrucions in order to trace/log steps and concatenate them.

I modify the script like this:

tar -cvf myArchiveName.tar *.txt && tar -rvf myArchiveName.tar *.pdf && rm *.txt && rm *.pdf

Trying to execute createtar.sh raise this error:

createtar.sh: not found.

The script execute correctly only with dot command (full stop)

. createtar.sh

but is not clear to me which is the meaning/function of it.


    1. tar do not create zip file, it create tar file
    2. in UNIX you need to specify the filename otherwise tar use first tape device:
      tar -cvf myArchiveName.tar *.txt *.pdf
    3. You do not need to explicitly add files (-r), combine them as show above
    4. The same is true about rm command:
      rm *.txt *.pdf

    You can create it on line like this:

    tar -cvf myArchiveName.tar *.txt *.pdf && rm *.txt *.pdf