I'm developing server with nestjs and I wanna rotate log files with nestjs-pino like winston-daily-rotate-file
I chose nest-pino
for logger beacause of its simplicity and being much more comfortable than winston.
However, I don't know how to rotate log files with nest-pino
and cannot find the way.
Does anyone know how to rotate file with nest-pino
I searched the way for very long time but I couldn't find it.
I'm considering using logrotate
if there isn't package for rotating files with nest-pino
BUT, I want to use package for more simplicity.
You can use rotating-file-stream (https://www.npmjs.com/package/rotating-file-stream) . This module is fully compatible with pino. For transport of logs to file we have default transport 'pino/file' in pino ,instead we need to use this module.This module will create file and write in that file , so it will watch this file and rotate it. But log rotation has performance overhead with this module. Instead use 'log-rotate' if it meets your use case.