I am new to VBA and trying to create a macro in VBA based on the following.
XLookup to count columns going backwards instead of a Vlookup. Once the formula finds the cell, then I would like to replace it with a number entered into an input box.
Here is what I tried. I know the replace with line is incorrect. I am able to return a value for the Xlookup. I just can't figure out the correct piece to add in the replacewith line.
Sub Macro2()
' Macro2 Macro
Dim myValue As Variant
myValue = InputBox("Enter Club Number")
Range("A1").Value = myValue
myValue2 = InputBox("Enter UNL, PREM, or DSL")
Range("B1").Value = myValue2
Range("C1").Value = Range("A1").Value & Range("B1")
Dim Lookup_Value As String
Dim Lookup_Array As Range
Dim Return_Array As Range
Dim If_Not_Found As String
Dim Result As Variant
Lookup_Value = Range("A1").Value & Range("B1")
Set Lookup_Array = Range("O:O")
Set Return_Array = Range("D:D")
If_Not_Found = "N/A"
On Error GoTo CompatibilityIssue
Result = Application.WorksheetFunction.XLookup( _
Lookup_Value, _
Lookup_Array, _
Return_Array, _
replacewith.InputBox ("Enter New Price")
Exit Sub
MsgBox "It does not appear that you have access to the XLOOKUP Function"
End Sub
Get it done with VBA's way instead of XLOOKUP. Then Excel 365 isn't must-have for your solution.
Sub Macro2()
Dim myValue, myValue2, myValue3, Lookup_Value
Dim c As Range, Lookup_Rng As Range
myValue = InputBox("Enter Club Number")
myValue2 = InputBox("Enter UNL, PREM, or DSL")
Lookup_Value = myValue & myValue2
' Get the usedrange in column O
Set Lookup_Rng = Application.Intersect(Range("O:O"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
' Search in column O
Set c = Lookup_Rng.Find(Lookup_Value, , , xlWhole)
If Not c Is Nothing Then
' Update price
myValue3 = InputBox("Enter New Price")
Cells(c.Row, "D").Value = myValue3
' Mismatch
MsgBox "Can't find " & Lookup_Value
End If
End Sub