I have a dataset from a production line, which is formatted as time series data. There is a batch
column, which indicates the name of the batch (str), and there is a phase
column which indicates the phase of the production (str). I am working with the datetime
as the index of the pandas DataFrame.
I want to plot this data on timeseries graph, overlaying the data from each phase and distinguishing each batch (i.e. different colour), with each process variable (i.e. temp1, temp2, press1, press2
) on a different axis (as per the diagram)
How can this be done?
EDIT: for clarity, I need the trends to be plotted against a datetime baseline, otherwise they will not overlay.
Example of the dataset: | datetime | temp1 | temp 2|press1|press2|batch | phase | |:---- |:--: | :--: | :--: | :--: |:--: |:--: | | 2023-02-03 15:45:34| 34.45 | 23.34 | 13.23| 45.5 | 'D' | '10-Wait' | | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 'D' | ... | | 2023-02-03 15:55:34| 36.55 | 22.14 | 18.23| 78.5 | 'D' | '20-Initialise'|
To create a similar dataset -to mine- you can use the following code:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datetime
date = pd.date_range(start='1/1/2023', end='10/06/2023', freq=datetime.timedelta(seconds=30))
tags = ['temp1','temp2','press1','press2']
batches = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G']
period_start = pd.to_datetime('1/1/2023')
period_end = pd.to_datetime('10/06/2023')
batch_start = (pd.to_timedelta(np.random.rand(n) * ((period_end - period_start).days + 1), unit='D') + period_start)
batch_end = (batch_start + pd.to_timedelta(8,unit='H'))
df_batches = pd.DataFrame(data=[batch_start,batch_end],columns=[batches],index=['start','end']).T
for item in batches:
start_time = df_batches['start'][item]
end_time = df_batches['end'][item]
df.loc[((df.index>=start_time)&(df.index<=end_time)), 'batch'] = item
phases = ['10-Wait','20-Initialise','30-Warm','40-Running']
for batch in batches:
wait_len = int(len(df[df['batch']==batch].index)*0.2)
init_len = int(len(df[df['batch']==batch].index)*0.4)
warm_len = int(len(df[df['batch']==batch].index)*0.6)
run_len = int(len(df[df['batch']==batch].index))
wait_start = df[df['batch']==batch].index[0]
wait_end = df[df['batch']==batch].index[wait_len]
init_end = df[df['batch']==batch].index[init_len]
warm_end = df[df['batch']==batch].index[warm_len]
run_end = df[df['batch']==batch].index[-1]
df['phase'].loc[wait_start:wait_end] = phases[0]
df['phase'].loc[wait_end:init_end] = phases[1]
df['phase'].loc[init_end:warm_end] = phases[2]
df['phase'].loc[warm_end:run_end] = phases[3]
Credit to @AvishWagde who definitely broke the back of the problem. The 1 missing ingredient was having the x-axis of each plot baselined against zero.
The solution to baselining these plots was to create a new Timedelta
column which starts from 00:00:00
and goes upwards, in increments of 00:00:30
In Avish's code he uses:
for batch in batches:
batch_data = df[(df['batch'] == batch) & (df['phase'] == phase)]
axes[row, col].plot(batch_data.index, batch_data[variable], label=batch, marker='o')
However, since the Dataframe index is a Datetime
, plotting this on the x-axis will not result in a comparison of the data. As stated they need to be plotted against a baseline. Using Timedelta
on the x-axis allows comparison of the process data in each phase. In this case the 00:00:00
is taken to be the start of each phase. This dataset was recorded at 30s intervals, and it is necessary to convert the Timedelta
from Index
to Series
, as per this line pd.to_timedelta(np.arange(0,len(batch_data)*30,30),unit='s').to_series()
which results in this slight change:
for batch in batches:
batch_data = df[(df['batch'] == batch) & (df['phase'] == phase)]
baseline_time = pd.to_timedelta(np.arange(0,len(batch_data)*30,30),unit='s').to_series()
batch_data = batch_data.set_index(baseline_time)
axes[row, col].plot(batch_data.index, batch_data[variable], label=batch, marker='')
For the full working code:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df = pd.read_csv('stackoverflowqn.csv',index_col=[0])
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)
phases = df['phase'].unique()
batches = df['batch'].unique()
variables = ['temp1', 'temp2', 'press1', 'press2'] # List of process variables
num_cols = 2 # Number of columns for the subplot grid
num_rows = (len(variables) + num_cols - 1) // num_cols
for phase in phases:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=num_rows, ncols=num_cols, figsize=(15, 6 * num_rows))
plt.suptitle(phase, y=1.02)
for idx, variable in enumerate(variables):
row = idx // num_cols
col = idx % num_cols
for batch in batches:
batch_data = df[(df['batch'] == batch) & (df['phase'] == phase)]
baseline_time = pd.to_timedelta(np.arange(0,len(batch_data)*30,30),unit='s').to_series()
batch_data = batch_data.set_index(baseline_time)
axes[row, col].plot(batch_data.index, batch_data[variable], label=batch, marker='')
axes[row, col].set_title(variable)
axes[row, col].set_xlabel('time')
axes[row, col].set_ylabel(variable)
axes[row, col].legend()
Wait: 2 x variables
Initialise: 2 x variables
Warm: 2 x variables