
Uno NavigationBar not displaying label

I am using UNO NavigationBar for a windows and WASM app. This is the code:

<utu:NavigationBar x:Name="navBar" Background="{StaticResource NavigatorBkgColor}" 
        Content="{Binding Title, Mode=TwoWay}" MainCommandMode="Action" >
        <AppBarButton Label="Locations" uen:Navigation.Request="Locations" Foreground="White">
                <BitmapIcon UriSource="ms-appx:///Project/Assets/Icons/location_chip.png"/>
        <AppBarButton Label="Login" uen:Navigation.Request="Login" Foreground="White">
                <BitmapIcon UriSource="ms-appx:///Project/Assets/Icons/login.png"/>
        <AppBarButton Label="Profile" Command="{Binding ProfileCommand}" IsEnabled="{Binding IsLoggedIn}" />
        <AppBarButton Label="Exit App" Command="{Binding ExitAppCommand}"  />

The problem is that the ICON appears in the bar, but not the Label. The Icons also appear pretty small, is there a way to increase the size? Using Uno.Extensions 2.4.2


  • After playing with it, I decided to just forego the feature and create my own navigation bar using stackpanels and buttons.