I want to download images with pytelegrambotapi with good quality, I use this code, its ok and works, but it download images with bad quality.
@bot.message_handler(content_types=['document', 'photo', 'audio', 'video', 'voice'])
def addfile(message):
if message.photo:
photo = bot.get_file(message.photo[0].file_id)
photo_path = photo.file_path
photo_id = photo.file_id
photo_type = photo.file_path.split('.')[-1]
file = bot.download_file(photo_path)
with open(photo_id + "." + photo_type, "wb") as code:
what should i do ?
The sent photo undergoes resizing and compression. If you wish to process the original photo as a file, you may manually send it as a document to the bot or utilize the sendDocument
feature for that purpose.