
How can I set a uniform width for all boxes in my UI without using empty labels?

I'm working on organizing my UI layout, but I'm facing a challenge with setting a fixed width for all boxes (widgets). Currently, one workaround I've found is to insert an empty label with a fixed width to force the box to a certain size. However, this approach looks awkward, as it introduces an empty line into the layout.

Is there a better method to enforce a uniform width for all boxes in my UI? Any suggestions or best practices—possibly involving layout managers or style settings—would be greatly appreciated.

Additional details:

enter image description here


  • There is no easy (or direct) way to control the box width, it will depend on the size of containing elements. The example codes below show how I will handle this situation - using the "DLGInternalPadding()" to adjust the push button size.

    class UIExample : UIFrame {
        number true, false;     // boolean
        void DoEnableAction( object self ) OkDialog( "Enable button pushed" );
        void DoDisableAction( object self ) OkDialog( "Disable button pushed" );
        void ConstructAndDisplayUI( object self ) {
            TagGroup tgDialog = DLGCreateDialog( "UIFrame Example");
            //  create push buttons
            number padding_x =30, padding_y =5;
            TagGroup tgButton1 = DLGCreatePushButton( "Enable", "DoEnableAction" );
                tgButton1.DLGInternalPadding(padding_x, padding_y).DLGFill("XY");
            TagGroup tgButton2 = DLGCreatePushButton( "Disable", "DoDisableAction" );
                tgButton2.DLGInternalPadding(padding_x, padding_y).DLGFill("XY");
            // group push buttons
            TagGroup tgGroup = DLGGroupItems( tgButton1, tgButton2 );
                tgGroup.DLGTableLayout(2,1, true);
            // create a box and add button group as element
            TagGroup tgBox = DLGCreateBox( "settings" ).DLGFill("XY");
                tgBox.DLGAddElement( tgGroup );
            // add box as UI element
            tgDialog.DLGAddElement( tgBox );
            self.Display( "UIFrame example" );
        UIExample( object self ) {      // object constructor
            // assign boolean
            true = 1;
            false = 0;
            // object construction verbage;
            result( "object \"UIExample\" (" + self.ScriptObjectGetID() + ") constructed\n" );
        ~UIExample( object self ) {     // object destructor
            // object destruction verbage;
            result( "object \"UIExample\" (" + self.ScriptObjectGetID() + ") destructed\n\n" );
    alloc( UIExample ).ConstructAndDisplayUI();