
How to use Jakarta microprofile configmapping for my own properties file?

Using Jakarta Microprofile Config one can read the contents of your (or into a Java type-safe datastructure based on interfaces.

So I have this (shortened) ConfigMapping definition:

public interface BananaConfig {
    public String form();

And I want to populate this using the Jakarta Microprofile Config readers/converters from a self-supplied properties file, which is providing configuration for dynamically determined tenants (i.e. not available at start-up, so injecting the config will not work).

Apparently Jakarta Microprofile Config is only suitable for injecting a single configuration of Truth, not for reading willy-nilly properties files. The only options for customisation is in your own source readers (in the form of service loaders) or converters, but these still only allow for a Single Configuration.

Basically I want something like this to happen:

try (var is = Files.newInputStream(Path.of("")))
    BananaConfig config = JakartaConfig.of(new Properties().load(is));
    return config;
catch (IOException e)

Is there a way™ for this to happen? FYI: the platform we're working on is Quarkus, and under the hood it uses Smallrye Config.


  • So after fiddling around with the Smallrye code we came up with this solution:

    var propertiesFileResource = PropertiesConfigSourceProvider.propertiesSources("",
    var smallryeConfig = new SmallRyeConfigBuilder()
    return smallryeConfig.getConfigMapping(BananaConfig.class, "banana");

    which does the job.
