From a table with a column of IPs i would like to know which IPs are in a subnet from a table of which contains a column of subnets.
let IPs = SecurityAlert
| mv-expand parse_json(Entities)
| evaluate bag_unpack(Entities, columnsConflict='keep_source')
| distinct Address;
| extend ipv4_is_in_range(IPs, addressPrefixes)
Pretend addressPrefixes
is a table of subnets in AzureIPTable and Address
is a column of IPs in a table called SecurityAlert
I have reproduced in my environment and below are expected results:
Firstly IP's Table:
Subnet Table:
Now use below KQL Query
(to Check if IP is in Subnet IP's, which are in another table ) like below:
let subnetTable = datatable(Subnet:string)
| summarize mylist = make_list(Subnet)
| extend new_column2 = 0
| sort by new_column2 desc;
let ipTable = datatable(IPAddress:string)
let x=ipTable
| extend new_column2 = 0
| sort by new_column2 desc
| extend rn=row_number()
|join kind=fullouter subnetTable on new_column2
|project-away rn,new_column2,new_column21;
let y = x
|mv-apply id= mylist to typeof(string) on (where ipv4_is_in_range(IPAddress,id))
|project-away mylist;
|join kind = fullouter x on IPAddress
|project-away IPAddress
|extend TESTCOL =iff(isempty(id),False,True)
|project-away id
If present in range then gives true else gives false.