I have an object that can has children. I have a function to insert or update instance (and children). But I have a problem with observables.
When I use forkJoin
, the HTTP request (createSite
or updateSite
) is never execute and the complete
is fired instantly.
Now I use combineLatest
, calls are executed. But the complete
event is fired before all observable are ended.
I have also tried expand
for children, butit loop and create a lot of time the same instance.
function save(): void {
combineLatest(this.updatedSites.map(s => this.upsertSites(s)))
complete: () => // somme actions,
upsertSites(site: Site, parentId?: number): Observable<any> {
const sourceSite: Site | undefined = this.sourceSites.map(s => s.findSite(site.id).at(-1)).filter(s => !!s).at(-1);
if (sourceSite && !this.isSiteDeepEqualWithoutChildren(sourceSite ?? { label: '' }, site)) {
return this.siteService.updateSite(site.id, site.label, parentId)
catchError(error => {
return combineLatest(site.children.map((s: Site) => this.upsertSites(s, site.id)));
mergeMap(() => combineLatest(site.children.map((s: Site) => this.upsertSites(s, site.id)))),
} else if (!sourceSite) {
return this.siteService.createSite(site.label, parentId)
mergeMap(data => {
site.id = data.id;
return combineLatest(site.children.map((s: Entities.Site) => this.upsertSites(s, site.id)));
} else {
return combineLatest(site.children.map((s: Entities.Site) => this.upsertSites(s, site.id)));
What did I do wrong ? What did I misunderstand ?
So after some thinking, I have found a solution. Here it is if someone needs it :
function save(): void {
forkJoin(this.updatedSites.map(s => this.upsertSites(s)))
complete: () => // somme actions,
upsertSites(site: Site, parentId?: number): Observable<any> {
return new Observable((subscriber) => {
const upsertChildren = (site: Site) => forkJoin(site.children.map((s: Site) => this.upsertSites(s, site.id)))
complete: () => subscriber.complete(),
const sourceSite: Site | undefined = this.sourceSites.map(s => s.findSite(site.id).at(-1)).filter(s => !!s).at(-1);
if (sourceSite && !this.isSiteDeepEqualWithoutChildren(sourceSite ?? { label: '' }, site)) {
this.siteService.updateSite(site.id, site.label, parentId)
next: () => upsertChildren(site),
error: error => {
} else if (!sourceSite) {
this.siteService.createSite(site.label, parentId)
next: data => {
site.id = data.id;
error: error => {
} else {
I use forkJoin and it works now. In fact, I have miss some information in the documentation :
[...] complete immediately if an empty array is passed
So I give a value to the next and then complete my custom observable. So thing I found dirty is that I give a unused value to the next but it works !