I have to get the total memory size in bytes of an iso-15693 NFC device. I downloaded several apps from App Store and they show me this information.
I'm new of NFC world, I looked at NFCISO15693Tag
protocol in CoreNFC
iOS framework but with no success.
Any help is appreciated.
You can find that by accessing the NFCISO15693SystemInfo with the help of this CoreNFC method
func tagReaderSession(_ session: NFCTagReaderSession, didDetect tags: [NFCTag]) {
if case let .iso15693(tag) = tags.first{
nfcIntegration.shared.nfcTagReaderSession?.connect(to: tags.first!, completionHandler: { [self] error in
guard error == nil else{
nfcIntegration.shared.nfcTagReaderSession?.alertMessage = "Problem with connection"
tag.getSystemInfo(requestFlags: [.highDataRate]) { systemInfo in
switch systemInfo {
case .success(let success):
case .failure(let failure):
if the method return success result, you will get the details of the tag like below.
success(CoreNFC.NFCISO15693SystemInfo(uniqueIdentifier: 8 bytes, dataStorageFormatIdentifier: -1, applicationFamilyIdentifier: -1, blockSize: 8, totalBlocks: 244, icReference: -1))
With Blocksize and Totalblocks you can caluclate the total memory in bytes.