I have a simple logit and target tensors and computing the cross entropy using Pytorch's from torch.nn import functional as F
>>> F.cross_entropy(torch.tensor([[0.25, 0.5, 0.25]]), torch.tensor([0]))
I'm getting 1.1891 as the answer. But according to the equation of cross_entropy loss, shouldn't the answer be
-(1*ln(0.25) + 0*ln(0.5) + 0*ln(0.25) = -ln(0.25) = 1.386
What is going on?
Because you are missing how it is calculated. It is mentioned in documentation (related docs)
It calculates softmax of the entries first and then calculates cross-entropy.
In short
F.nll_loss(F.log_softmax(a), torch.tensor([0]))
Here is the linked documentation to which this refers to