
Clojure Bubble sort function issue

I'm trying to implement bubble sort function in clojure,

Below b_sort function gives error,

But if I execute statements inside b_sort function it works,

(def r_list (take 10 (repeatedly #(rand-int 100))))
(def r_vec (vec r_list))
(def cnt (count r_vec))
(defn b_sort
    (loop [i 0]
      (if (< i cnt)
        (loop [j (+ i 1)]
          (if (< j cnt)
              (def a (r_vec i))
              (def b (r_vec j))
              (if (> a b)
                  (def r_vec (assoc r_vec i b j a))
                  (println r_vec)
              (if (< j cnt)
                (recur (inc j)
        (if (< i cnt)
          (recur (inc i)

Below is the error in b_sort function,

(if (< i cnt) (recur (inc i)))))

should satisfy


or value

  (... (loop ... ... ...))

should satisfy



  • Actually there was no arguments in the defn statement,

    When I changed the statement to (defn b_sort [] it worked.