I try to implement a serializer for two classes Geometry
and Dimension
that have a cyclic dependency between them. That means Geometry
can have a Dimension
and a Dimension
knows its Geometry
. Also, I have DataModel
which contains a vector of geometries and dimensions. My classes look like this:
class IGeometry
virtual ~IGeometry() = default;
class IDimension
virtual ~IDimension() = default;
virtual const std::vector<IGeometry*>& GetGeometries() const = 0;
class Dimension : public virtual IDimension
Dimension(std::vector<IGeometry*> f) : geometries{ std::move(f) } {}
~Dimension() override = default;
const std::vector<IGeometry*>& GetGeometries() const override
return geometries;
std::vector<IGeometry*> geometries;
class Geometry : public virtual IGeometry
~Geometry() override {}
void AddDimension(IDimension* dimension)
const std::vector<IDimension*>& GetDimensions() const { return dimensions; }
std::vector<IDimension*> dimensions{};
struct DataModel
std::vector<IGeometry*> geometries;
std::vector<IDimension*> dimensions;
I am using non-intrusive serialization from boost like this:
namespace boost
namespace serialization
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive& ar, IGeometry& g, const unsigned int version){ }
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive& ar, IDimension& d, const unsigned int version){ }
template<class Archive>
void save(Archive& ar, const Geometry& g, const unsigned int version)
ar& boost::serialization::base_object<IGeometry>(g);
ar& g.GetDimensions();
template<class Archive>
void load(Archive& ar, Geometry& g, const unsigned int version)
ar& boost::serialization::base_object<IGeometry>(g);
std::vector<IDimension*> dimensions;
ar& dimensions;
for(auto* dimension : dimensions)
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive& ar, Dimension& d, unsigned int version)
ar& boost::serialization::base_object<IDimension>(d);
template<class Archive>
void save_construct_data(Archive& ar, const Dimension* t, const unsigned int)
ar& t->GetGeometries();
template<class Archive>
void load_construct_data(Archive& ar, Dimension* t, const unsigned int file_version)
std::vector<IGeometry*> foos;
ar& foos;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive& ar, DataModel& model, const unsigned int version)
ar& model.dimensions & model.geometries ;
void SaveModel(const DataModel& model)
std::ofstream ofs("filename");
boost::archive::text_oarchive oa(ofs);
oa << model;
void RestoreModel(DataModel& model)
std::ifstream ofs("filename");
boost::archive::text_iarchive ia(ofs);
ia >> model;
int main()
auto* p0 = new Geometry();
auto* p1 = new Geometry();
auto* d2 = new Dimension({ p0, p1 });
DataModel model;
DataModel model2;
return 0;
The example in main() fails while trying to restore the model with following exception:
Exception thrown at 0x00007FF7F62BA385 in boost.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
My guess, while restoring, boost tries to de-serialize the Dimension
with 2 geometries in load_construct_data
. Then it tries to de-serialize one of the geometries which again has the Dimension
as a reference which is of course not constructed currently.
I am new to boost::serialization
My questions are:
Without the abstract classes it works fine!
Cyclical references are fine. Your problem appears to be from having virtual base classes.
In particular, commenting the virtual
keyword here:
class Dimension : public /*virtual*/ IDimension {
makes the problem go away. My only hunch is that somehow the base-object needs to be constructed before the load-construct-data happens.
Indeed, removing the need for load/save construct data does work even with the virtual base:
Thinking about it, it makes sense:
Two solutions:
base class modifiers