Let's say I have a python dataframe with a time related column called "Time". Inside this column there are strings that represent minutes and seconds. For example, the first row value 125:19 represents 125 minutes and 19 seconds. Its datatype is a string.
I want to convert this value to total minutes in a new column "Time_minutes". So 125:19 should become 125.316666666667 which should be a float datatype.
Along a similar vein if the value is 0:00 then the corresponding "Time_minutes" column should show 0 (float datatype).
I've done this in SQL using lambdas and index functions. But is there an easier/more straightforward way to do this in python?
One of possible solution, use .str.split
df["Converted"] = (s := df["Time"].str.split(":")).str[0].astype(float) + (s.str[1].astype(float) / 60)
Time Converted
0 125:19 125.316667
1 0:00 0.000000
2 0:30 0.500000