According to Doc
Currently, Delta format support for lake databases is not supported in Synapse Studio.
Does it means, at present database designer do not support the Delta format to visually create the lake database tables?
As per the Documentaion you cannot create lake database tables using the DELTA Format directly.
As you can see from the above only Delimited & Parquet formats are available to visually create lake database tables.
Know more about Delta Lake &Key features
I have reproduced to create Lake database using the Spark SQL In synapse notebook.
Step 1: Create Lake database using the below
CREATE DATABASE lakedatabase0202
Step 2: create table using from storage account
USE lakedatabase02;
USING delta
LOCATION 'abfss://<container>@<storageaccount>';
Step 3: Describe database
DESCRIBE DATABASE lakedatabase02
Using Spark SQL langauge in synapse notebooks you can create lake database tables with DELTA format.