
SuiteCRM install.php is missing

According to the SuiteCRM install guide, after you've copied all the neccessary files to your webroot directory you are supposed to hit domain/directory/install.php

Unfortunately I am missing the desired install.php file.

I downloaded the fresh 8.4.0.zipand also one version below.

Do I miss something crucial?

Please refer to the image below, where you can see the contents of my directory:

enter image description here


  • You are following SuiteCRM 7.* documentation for installation while you have downloaded SuiteCRM 8.*.

    In SuiteCRM 8.*, the install.php file is located at the following path:


    For SuiteCRM 8.* installation, please use the following documentation:

    (I am not pasting the exact steps as the documentation gets updated frequently and the steps might change)