I have two columns: member ID and member score. What I need to do is count the number of members if their score is greater than a specific value. I was thinking some sort of do over loop... For example, I want to count the number of members where score > 0.20 in increments of increasing the score by 0.01 until we end at count members where score > 0.40.
I was tinkering with arrays and do loops, but I can't figure it out. In the array I don't know if I can use something like
put nobs=; output;
You can use a second data set for your break point values and a SQL join to perform the criteria based counting.
data have;
call streaminit(230911);
do id = 1 to 1000;
score =rand('uniform');
data levels;
do level = 0.20 to 0.40 by 0.025;
proc sql;
create table counts as
select level, count(distinct(id)) as count
from have
join levels
on have.score > levels.level
group by level
proc sgplot data=counts;
series x=level y=count;
label level = 'Score level';
Obs level count
1 0.200 805
2 0.225 772
3 0.250 754
4 0.275 730
5 0.300 714
6 0.325 689
7 0.350 664
8 0.375 645
9 0.400 617