
Compatibility Issue with Flutter Project on Android 12 and Later Versions

I have a Flutter project and I developed it in Flutter 1.20.0. However, I'm getting a warning in the Google Play Store that the app is incompatible with Android 12 and higher. I have taken several steps to resolve this issue but still no solution. I have taken several steps to resolve this issue but still no solution. Here are the steps I tried:

I updated my flutter version(from 1.20.0 to 3.10.6) and updated the packages in the project. I published the app on Google Play Store for internal testing but the compatibility issue remains.

I tried different Android API levels, but none of the levels fixed the issue.

I changed the compileSdkVersion value, but that didn't fix the problem either.

I changed the targetSdkVersion but still the problem persists.

Google Play Screenshots :

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Google Policy Alert

From play console

Proof of compatibility

enter image description here


  • Finally I asked Google support and they told me I could make staged rollouts.

    If there was a problem, I would be able to roll back my update.

    That's why I released it for 5% of my users.

    After going through the approval process, the compatibility issue was resolved.

    Then I released it to 100% of my users and then the problem was completely solved.