Trying to get the zoom react meetingsdk sample working, and when I run npm start I get the following error:
Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported....
opensslErrorStack: [ 'error:03000086:digital envelope routines::initialization error' ],
library: 'digital envelope routines',
reason: 'unsupported',
I've tried to use the responses from this stack overflow thread, setting node options to:
"scripts": {
"start": "set SET NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider && react-scripts start",
"build": "set SET NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider && react-scripts build"
And downgrading node versions from v20.5.1 to multiple earlier versions 18.xx, 19.xx
But npm start always spits out that error message.
Finally resolved this issue. It was related to openssl-legacy-provider, and the solution was a modified version from this stack overflow thread
essentially, was using windows so tried the top answer, changing package.json scripts to:
"scripts": {
"start": "set SET NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider && react-scripts start",
"build": "set SET NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider && react-scripts build"
However, "set SET NODE_OPTIONS....." did not work, instead tweaking this to:
"scripts": {
"start": "SET NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider && react-scripts start",
"build": "SET NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider && react-scripts build"
Resolved the issues.
A cleaner implementation of the above:
"scripts": {
"start": "react-scripts --openssl-legacy-provider start"
"build": "react-scripts --openssl-legacy-provider build"
The meetingsdk had some further issues to overcome, such as 'No version of chokidar available' ( solution here )