
How to set Spring boot HashMap in AWS Paramstore value and read via @ConfigurationProperties?

In my spring boot application I have some externalized configuration properties read from AWS Parameter Store. I do not use AWS SSM Client directly and extract the properties. I am using the spring-cloud-starter-aws-parameter-store-config and with few bootstrap.yml changes I am able to configure it. When the application starts, I am able to automatically detect the environment property source and extract configuration values with the help of @ConfigurationProperties annotation.

Sample bootstrap.yml is shown below:

    enabled: true
    name: my-app
    prefix: /config
    profileSeparator: /

Sample code is shown below:

public class TestObject {
  private Map<String, InnerObject> valueMap = new HashMap<>();

  public static class InnerObject {
    private int property_one = 20;
    private int property_two = 10;

Sample AWS Parameter Store configuration name:


All other properties (String & StringList) works fine except with map. I was unable to figure out the way to define this map as a value within the AWS Parameter Store such that it resolves into my Java HashMap. Your insights are highly appreciated, thank you!


  • I was not able to figure out a way to define a whole Java HashMap as a value of the AWS Paramstore value. However, I was able to define each property of the map separately as shown below.

    First entry of the map:


    Second entry of the map:


    This maybe not the most optimum or the best solution. However, it did the job done even though I had to define each value individually. Hope this would help someone, Thanks!