
parsing a tail file to process commands

I have found some info on this, but not enough to get me going with this project. I have limited bash experience, trying to learn.

I have a log file that I would like to read (tail) and process lines as they come in based on timestamp in the log.

Log example: from a tail -f filename.txt | grep --line-buffered RXKEY,MAIN:



I would like to read this file and perform an action, if the last entry was X amount of seconds before the previous entry. IE, if 2 logs hit in 4 or 5 seconds apart, run a command locally. Then keep monitoring for future logs and repeat as needed.

I have the log working but not sure how to read the timestamps and then process an action.


  • You can pipe grep into while read, which lets you loop over each line received.

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    declare allow_difference=5
    declare last=
    # 'while read -r' to prevent backslashes from being interpreted
    tail -f filename.txt | grep --line-buffered RXKEY,MAIN | while read -r line; do
        # read into array 'linearray', splitting on ',' by setting
        # the IFS (how bash chooses to split word boundaries)
        IFS=',' read -ra linearray <<< "$line"
        # [[ -z "$somevariable" ]] checks if the variable is empty
        # if its empty, then we havent set a last time yet, so set it and continue the while loop
        if [[ -z "$last" ]]; then
        # get the difference between the current time and the last time
        # $(()) for bash arithmetic
        difference="$((linearray[0] - last))"
        # if the difference is smaller than the allowed difference, then run some command
        if ((difference < allow_difference)); then
            echo "difference between ${last} and ${linearray[0]} is ${difference}, running command"
            # could add some other command here...

    Tried to comment more than usual as you said you're new to bash but let me know if something isn't understandable.

     $ ./script 
    difference between 20230913200618 and 20230913200620 is 2, running command