
Anyone that had the aol oauth api working?

i'm developing an application with multiple login and information export options like yahoo, google contacts, live contacts etc. I tried to do the oauth wrapper for aol, followed the examples in the page but it doesnt works.

I just only wanted to know if there is anyone that chad succeeded with its specs and got some sample code working, i tried and got the token in response but when i try to do an api request i get the response : Key Used From unauthenticated site

does it have to run in a online server? do i have to get some rsa signed file on my server?

any hint is welcome, thank you very much!


  • sorry for my late response, have being little busy here. The code in the example finally worked right last time i tried, maybe their servers had some issues or i misconfigured the example, not sure, but in my project it didnt worked, finally i managed the solution by using the CURLOPT_REFERER parameter i found in the example. I am sure that it was the issue in my code, because i was testing in a devel environment with a .loc top level domain.

    Finally i want to give a hint to all the people trying to develop 3rd party apps that check the validity of the urls asking for permissions, you could use a testing environment by using the CURLOPT_REFERER paramater by setting the production url you want in the testing environment.

    file in the testing environment http://www.mycoolsite.loc.

    curl_setopt( CURLOPT_REFERER '' );

    The site that will receive the answer will check the referer and assume the .com one instead the .loc

    Thanks to everybody that tried to help me.