I am attempting to create a function with a similar work to memmove. I found in the man that the copying is done by including a transitionnal array to where bytes are copied first , which should not overlap with dest, then copied to destination. This the code I attempted to make (including the necessary headers):
void *ft_memmove(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n)
unsigned char p[n];
unsigned char *p2;
const unsigned char *p3;
size_t i;
p2 = dest;
p3 = src;
i = 0;
while (i < n)
*(p + i++) = *(p3++);
while (n--)
*(p2++) = *(p++);
return (dest);
I believe the problem is related to assigning the const void array's elements to p while it is a constant or something similar. Should I use malloc or is there another possible way? Or my uderstanding of how memmove actually wroks is wrong because I found other definitions somewhere else.
I ran the previous code on this main:
int main()
char s1[] = "holala";
char s2[] = "dongo";
ft_memmove(s1, s2, sizeof(s2));
printf("%p,\n", s1);
It should've shown "donga", instead I get this error:
ft_memmove.c:17:22: error: lvalue required as increment operand
17 | *(p2++) = *(p++);
is an array, not a pointer, so you can't increment it. Use different variables for the temporary array and the pointer, so you can increment the pointer.
void *ft_memmove(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n)
unsigned char temp[n];
unsigned char *p = temp;
unsigned char *p2;
const unsigned char *p3;
p2 = dest;
p3 = src;
for (sizt_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
*(p++) = *(p3++);
p = temp;
while (n--) {
*(p2++) = *(p++);
return (dest);
Or you could do it like the way you assigned to p
in the first loop, using *(p2++) = *(p + i++)