I've setup the renovate selfhosted bot. Since linuxserver.io has different schemas of creating docker tags, i'll switched to regex.
"$schema": "https://docs.renovatebot.com/renovate-schema.json",
"extends": [
"packageRules": [
"packagePatterns": ["^ghcr.io\\/linuxserver\\/"],
"versionScheme": "regex:MYFANCYREGEX"
But I need help getting the regex up and running. I created a regex 101 with unittest and example - here
nigthly-100.200.300 -> not stable, no match
nightly-100.200.300.3604-ls587 -> not stable, no match
100.200.300-development -> not stable, no match
100.200.300-develop -> not stable, no match
100.200.300-nigthly -> not stable, no match
I'm somehow not able to exclude matches containing something -> (?! or ^)
How should I change the regex to only get stable builds and the image updates (ls/buildnumbers)
I would go with this regex (using the x flag for readability):
# Build information should not contain dev and nightly stuff:
# Optional compatibility prefix "version-" or "v":
# Major, minor and patch numbers:
# Capture the optional build information:
Updated your regex101 case study here: https://regex101.com/r/KQZykk/4
If you cannot use the x flag then use the uncommented version that I added here: https://regex101.com/r/KQZykk/5
PS: To pass from commented to uncommented regex, I created a little tool that you can access here: https://codepen.io/patacra/pen/wvQBxjq