
How to convert timestamp into human readable time string (for example "one minute ago") in Java

I am trying to create a chat application in android studio.
I have a timestamp, say this


Now I want to convert this timestamp into human readable way like one minute ago or one hour ago. I will is into my storyView mode where a user will be able to see when his friends uploaded a story/status.

I need this as String, like

one minute ago

so that I can use it in a TextView. Is that possible?

I tried to find some solutions but most of them are related to javascript where I need it in Java. The String needs to be like this: Example

Is that possible in Java in some way? Thank You.


  • You can create an Instant from your timestamp and calculate the Duration between it and

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // your timestamp   
        long timestamp = 1694603269045L;
        // convert to an Instant
        Instant then = Instant.ofEpochMilli(timestamp);
        // get "now"
        Instant now =;
        // calulate the Duration
        Duration duration = Duration.between(then, now);
        // print the minutes part
        System.out.println(duration.toMinutesPart() + " minutes ago");

    This just printed

    47 minutes ago

    You will have to check which values (hours, minutes, seconds and so on) are actually zero if you want to switch from minutes to hours when minutes are 0, but hours aren't, for example. This would print 0 minutes ago in 13 minutes and you may want to cover situations like that.