I am using searchkick to wrap OpenSearch.
My Program
model has this search_data
name: name,
description: description,
provider_name: provider.name,
category: category&.name,
age_min: age_min || 0,
age_max: age_max || 999,
start_dates: current_published_schedules.pluck(:start_date),
zipcode: address&.zipcode,
program_type: program_type
When I run the reindex task:
Program.reindex(refresh: true)
I see in the logs that many SQL queries for Provider and Schedule have been made, one for each Program.
Is there a way to tell Searchkick to "includes
" or "preload
" somehow to optimize the reindexing?
Hopefully in searchkick eager load method is available, we can use includes with help of the search_import method.
You can refer more about on searchkick documentation here.
From above sample data, i have seen your program table have has one association with provider, category, etc. with help of that i try to give sample examples below, hope it might helps to you.
From inside of model you need to write as
scope :search_import, -> { includes(:provider, :category, :current_published_schedules) }
Now When you hit the reindex, it first eager loads the all association data what you have mentioned in search import. Now it continuously fires the single query for each program data to update in elastic.
Hope this helps to fix your issue :)