I'm trying to building Joi schema validation for:
type Toy = {
id: string;
codeName: (nameFormat?: string) => string;
price: number;
The problem is with the validation of codeName
I don't know how to represent that the codeName
is a function with an optional parameter (type string) that returns a string.
And the codeName field is actually a required field
I tried to work out a solution with documentation - no grater result I didn't found any convergent topics on Stack Overflow and other
My project is using Joi in ver 14 I will be grateful for your help
And What I trying to build when I speak about schema: For Example
type CarSchema = {
mark: Joi.string().required(),
color: Joi.string().required(),
price: Joi.number().required(),
accessories: Joi.string().optional(),
Best you can do is:
export const toySchema = Joi.object({
id: Joi.string(),
codeName: Joi.func().minArity(0).maxArity(1),
price: Joi.number(),
Since JavaScript has no notion of type, and TypeScript does not provide RTTI, there's no way for you to check either the types of the expected arguments of a function, or the return type.