
What's the proper way to parse text with tag using Rust nom?

I want to parse text with tag. For example, for the string aa<haha>test 1 2 3</haha> string 2, the result should be the string aa, the tag haha with content test 1 2 3, and a string string 2. Below is my code. It works for now. But I'm sure it's not the best way to solve the problem. Could anyone help me to find a better way to solve the problem or at least simplify the code? Thanks.

use nom::branch::alt;
use nom::bytes::complete::{*};
use nom::IResult;
use nom::sequence::{delimited, separated_pair};

pub enum ElementType {
    Tag(String, String),

fn parse_element_type_text(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, ElementType> {
    let (remaining, text) = take_till(|c: char| c == '<')(input)?;
    if text.is_empty() {
        Err(nom::Err::Error(nom::error::Error::new(input, nom::error::ErrorKind::Eof)))
    } else {
        Ok((remaining, ElementType::Text(text.to_string())))

fn parse_element_type_tag(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, ElementType> {
    let (left, tag_name) = delimited(
    let (left, content) = take_until("</")(left)?;
    let (left, tag_name2) = delimited(

    Ok((left, ElementType::Tag(tag_name.to_string(), content.to_string())))

fn parse_element(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<ElementType>> {
    let mut elements = vec![];
    let mut input = input;

    loop {
        let original_input = input;
        match alt((parse_element_type_tag, parse_element_type_text))(input) {
            Ok((remaining_input, element)) => {
                input = remaining_input;
            Err(_) => break,
        if original_input == input {

    Ok((input, elements))

fn main() {
    let text = r#"<foo>some more text</foo> even more text!<tag2>test haha</tag2>"#;
    let result = parse_element(text);
    println!("{:?}", result);


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    The main problem with your approach that it doesn't deal with recursive tag structures. Tags may contain other sub-tags, correct? If so, you run into the problem with take_until("</") that is mentioned by cafce25 - it will skip any other tags:

    fn main() {
        let text = r#"<foo><bar>hello</bar></foo>"#;
        let result = parse_element(text);
        println!("{:?}", result);


    The above snippet returns Ok(("<foo><bar>hello</bar></foo>", [])) as the closing tag "<\bar>" does not match the opening tag "<foo>".

    The problem runs deeper than just the use of take_until, however. In order to support nested tags, your enum must actually be recursively defined:

    pub enum ElementType {
        Tag(String, Vec<ElementType>),

    (note that the compiler allows this because while ElementType is containing itself recursively, it is behind a Vec<ElementType>, which acts the same way a Box<ElementType> would - the actual inner ElementType is stored on the heap, with the original type merely containing a pointer to children ElementTypes)

    This is because tags may contain any amount of sub-tags. Thus, parsing must be done recursively:

    fn parse_element_type_tag(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, ElementType> {
        let (left, tag_name) = delimited(
        let (left, content) = parse_element(left)?;
        let (left, tag_name2) = delimited(
        Ok((left, ElementType::Tag(tag_name.to_string(), content)))


    The downside to using Vec is that it becomes more complex to traverse the tree created, which can be seen in the printed value of the example using recursive tags:

    Ok(("", [Tag("foo", [Tag("bar", [Text("hello")])])]))

    This could be remedied by adding additional enum variants for tags that contain nothing and tags that contain only a single element, however this would depend highly upon your use-case, and may make things even more complex.