
How to make Terraform IGNORE a resource if another one is not deployed

I am using Terraform (and Terragrunt) to deploy Kubernetes manifests. I am dealing with the following situation: I am describing a Helm Chart for cert-manager and a Kubernetes manifest for a cert-manager.io/v1/ClusterIssues.

Here's the definition of the Helm Chart:

resource "helm_release" "cert_manager" {
  name       = "cert-manager"
  namespace  = kubernetes_namespace.cert_manager.metadata.0.name
  chart      = "cert-manager"
  repository = "https://charts.jetstack.io"
  wait       = true

  # ...

  set {
    name  = "installCRDs"
    value = "true"

Here's the ClusterIssuer:

resource "kubernetes_manifest" "clusterissuer_letsencrypt" {
  manifest = {
    apiVersion = "cert-manager.io/v1"
    kind       = "ClusterIssuer"
    metadata = {
      name = "letsencrypt"

    # ...

  depends_on = [helm_release.cert_manager]

When creating a brand new Kubernetes cluster, the CRDs for the ClusterIssuer don't exist, and Terraform fails to plan the execution because:

│ Error: Failed to determine GroupVersionResource for manifest
|   ...
│   24: resource "kubernetes_manifest" "clusterissuer_letsencrypt" {
│ no matches for kind "ClusterIssuer" in group "cert-manager.io"

Now, I understand how depends_on works and I understand that I can do a targeted deployment with Terraform and I can solve this in sort of a two-phased deployment, but I want to avoid manual actions as much as possible.

Are there any mechanisms in Terraform (or Terragrunt, just in case) that can make it ignore the presence of this ClusterIssuer manifest altogether if the Helm Chart for cert-manager is not deployed?


  • There is no way for both of these to be completed in a single plan-apply cycle, because kubernetes_manifest relies on schema information from the cluster in order to produce its plan.

    Instead, you will need to choose some strategy for splitting this across two runs. Here are some examples:

    There are other variations of these two strategies with some different details but the above are the two main classes of solution here: either you have one configuration and ask Terraform to only plan and apply a part of it during initial creation, or you have two configurations so that you can use a normal Terraform workflow for both of them but it'll be more complicated to make changes to them both together.