
Why doesn't the "hyphens" attribute put a "-" at a line break?

I have the following problem:

I have a simple div container with the text "International" inside. I want the word to break when overflowing the container width.

How do I make it, so that there's a "-" when the word breaks?

I added the attributes "hyphens: auto" and "word-wrap: break-word" to the div container. Now the word does break, but it doesn't add the "-" character when breaking. I also tried adding "hyphenate-character: "-";" but this doesn't seem to help as well.


  • Apart from mentioned prerequisition of explicit lang attribute (or other mean browser gets language of the element), apparently there is important distinction in letter casing: browses refuse to break words beginning with uppercase letter, presumably because it might be a name where syllable / semantic boundaries between constituents are not known, so it might potentially produce inappropriate division.

    p {
      border: 1px solid;
      width: calc(var(--w, 7) * 1ch);
      -webkit-hyphens: auto;
      hyphens: auto;
      margin: 1ch 0;
    figure {
      display: inline-block;
      width: 14ch;
      margin: 0 1ch;
      vertical-align: top;
    <input type="range" min="0" max="14" value="7" step="0.1" oninput="'--w',value)"><br>
      <p lang="en">extraordinarily international</p>
      <figcaption>Lower case</figcaption>
      <p lang="en">Extraordinarily International</p>
      <figcaption>Title case</figcaption>
      <p lang="en">Extra&shy;ordinarily Inter&shy;national</p>
      <figcaption>&amp;shy; between constituents</figcaption>
      <p lang="en">Ex&shy;tra&shy;or&shy;di&shy;na&shy;ri&shy;ly In&shy;ter&shy;na&shy;ti&shy;o&shy;nal</p>
      <figcaption>&amp;shy; between syllables</figcaption>

    enter image description here (Firefox.)

    As already mentioned in other answers and comments, if you have control over the HTML document, you can use the soft hyphen (&shy;, &shy, &#173; or &#x00AD;) to take over hyphenation of given word.