
Match freebase MID to real expression

I'm trying to match the MIDs corresponding to the freebase database to its real meaning. For example, /m/02hcv8 stands for Eastern Time Zone. Unfortunately all I get are dead links. I'm aware that freebase is dead. But I would like to know if anyone has any ideas on how to match MIDs to specific terms.


  • From Wikidata

    Wikidata has Freebase mappings, which you can query with SPARQL on

    SELECT DISTINCT ?concept ?conceptLabel
    WHERE {
      BIND( "/m/02hcv8" AS ?freebaseId ) .
      ?concept wdt:P646 ?freebaseId . 
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

    (I don’t know the current coverage.)

    From the Freebase dump

    Google offers the Freebase dump for download under You could import it into your knowledge graph, and use SPARQL to find the relevant data:

    # all triples about /m/02hcv8
    <> ?p ?o .