
Notion API Unsaved transactions: Unrecognized error

Please help, I'm new to Notion...

I have a server.js file that make a request to notion API to create the row in notion DB. Yesterday it was working correctly, the row with all the data was created and I saw it in the UI version. I tried to handle the case when user leaves the page - to save the data to notion anyway. There were some validation errors, but I fixed them. Then I got the error

   data: {
      object: 'error',
      status: 400,
      code: 'validation_error',
      message: 'Unsaved transactions: Unrecognized error.'

I removed all the new code with git stash and returned to the previous working version. Rebuilded the project, started the server once again, and reloaded the page. But I still get the same error.


  • This issue had occurred before even when duplicating templates. However, this time the issue was with checkbox fields when trying to update it. The issue was due to an update from Notion Dev which was rolled back. More details of the incident here. Issue was resolved after 24 hours of downtime.