
How do I create a two way binding list of elements consisting of input boxes using AlpineJs

I need to create a list of input boxes based on a array element. However when using x-for for looping and x-model for binding the elements any changes to the input boxes are not transmitted back to the original array.

    <div x-data="{items: ['apples','pears']}">

    <h3>List of items:</h3>

    <template x-for="item in items">
            <input class="text" x-model="item"></input>
    <button @click="items.push('')">+</button>
    <span x-text="items"></span>


How do I fix this to achieve 2-way data binding so that any changes to the input boxes also updates the items array.


  • This should work:

    <div x-data="{items: ['apples','pears']}">
        <h3>List of items:</h3>
        <template x-for="(item, i) in items">
                <input class="text" x-model="items[i]">
        <button @click="items.push('')">+</button>
        <span x-text="items"></span>