I have a table named posts, and users can add any post to his favorites. From the perspective of the post, this is User(Parent)/Post(children) relation. But a post can be added to any user's favorites, in this case, should I use the siblings relation?
Here is post Model:
final class Post: Model, Content {
static let schema = "posts"
@ID(key: .id)
var id: UUID?
@Field(key: Keys.title)
var title: String
// one-to-many relationship...
@Parent(key: Keys.author)
var author: User
// many-to-many relationship...
// @Siblings(through: PostFavoritesPivot.self, from: \.$post, to: \.$user)
// var users: [User]
Here is User model:
final class User: Model, Content {
static let schema = "users"
@ID(key: .id)
var id: UUID?
// one-to-many relationship
@Children(for: \.$author)
var favorites: [Post]
// many-to-many relationship
// @Siblings(through: PostFavoritesPivot.self, from: \.$user, to: \.$post)
// var favorites: [Post]
// which relationship should i take?
Here is pivot Model if i choose siblings relations:
final class PostFavoritesPivot: Model {
struct Keys {
static let postId: FieldKey = "post_id"
static let userId: FieldKey = "user_id"
static let schema = "post-favorites-pivot"
@ID(key: .id)
var id: UUID?
@Parent(key: Keys.postId)
var post: Post
@Parent(key: Keys.userId)
var user: User
And there are some similar questions, like thumbs-up to a post, follow some users...
I've been wondering for a long time, thanks in advance.
The type of relationship you use entirely depends on how you expect the models to be linked. In your case, a post can only be created by a single user and a user can create one or more posts, so that's a one-to-many or parent-child relationship.
For liking a post, a user can like or more posts and a post can be liked by one or more users, so that's a many-to-many relationship or sibling relationship.
Just because there's already an existing relationship between a user and a post (creating a post) doesn't mean you can't model different, additional relationships between the same models.