Setting the value of a new dataframe column:
df.loc[df["Measure] == metric.label, "source_data_url"] = metric.source_data_url
now (as of Pandas version 2.1.0) gives a warning,
Setting an item of incompatible dtype is deprecated and will raise in a future error of pandas. Value ' metric_3' has dtype incompatible with float64, please explicitly cast to a compatible dtype
The Pandas documentation discusses how the problem can be solved for a Series but it is not clear how to do this iteratively (the line above is called in a loop over metrics and it's the final metric that gives the warning) when assigning a new DataFrame column. How can this be done?
I had the same problem. My intuition of this is that when you are setting value for the first time to the column source_data_url
, the column does not yet exists, so pandas creates a column source_data_url
and assigns value NaN
to all of its elements. This makes Pandas think that the column's dtype
is float64
. Then it raises this warning.
My solution was to create the column with some default value, e.g. empty string, before adding values to it:
df["source_data_url"] = ""
or None
seems also to work:
df["source_data_url"] = None