I'm currently working on a vue2 project with google maps 3.54 (latest version), this is required to use this version because of advancedMarkers.
I read all the documentation about styling a map, and i have done it before on other version. But i do not find the way ir.
I try to set a style on the init:
this.map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
mapId: 'GMAP_ID',
language: this.$i18n.locale,
center: this.defaultCoords,
zoom: this.zoom,
styles: [
featureType: 'water',
elementType: 'all',
stylers: [
color: '#f40000',
visibility: 'on',
Or after the init with:
const styledMapType = new google.maps.StyledMapType(
featureType: 'water',
elementType: 'all',
stylers: [
color: '#f40000',
visibility: 'on',
this.map.mapTypes.set('styled_map', styledMapType)
// i have added to my script url the libraries maps to have StyledMapType
I got no error, but nothing change in both cases. What can i try?
There is a working example of the trouble: https://jsfiddle.net/981w4zxb/1/
If you remove the mapId
like in the example, the style is apply, but in that case the markers doesn't work anymore.
If you add the mapid
, the advanced markers is display, but the styles
not apply.
I want both, it's mandatory too used advanced markers and styles without the cloud but legacy styles
Not sure about how it is with Vue but your code looks correct – with or without &v=3.54
The thing is, if you instantiate your map with a mapId
, the styles
attribute in the constructor will not override the map's appearance.
So, if you don't have cloud styling associated with your mapId
, remove it from the constructor. Your styles
should apply right away. And I suspect this.map.setMapTypeId(...)
will take effect too.
You cannot use mapId
s and styles
at the same time. When you do, you'll get the warning:
A Map's styles property cannot be set when a
is present. When amapId
is present, Map styles are controlled via the cloud console. Please see documentation at https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/styling#cloud_tooling
Given that your style definitions are stored in a DB, you'll likely need to create individual mapId
s and their associated cloud style…
Alternatively, you can reconsider your usage of Advanced Markers. Here's a guide to explore alternatives. Dislaimer: I wrote the guide.
Finally, you might want to keep an eye on the gcloud cli
which might, at some future point, let you programmatically create mapId
s and styles -- just like Google did for API Keys.