How can I get the current time in microseconds (formatted as integer64) in ada ?
I want to get the equivalent of C function clock_gettime (frome time.h).
It depends when you want the count to start. If you want uptime, you’ll need to handle clock_gettime()
. If you want time since the Unix epoch, this might help:
with Ada.Calendar;
with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Get_Current_Time is
type Integer_64 is range -2**63 .. 2**63 - 1;
The_Unix_Epoch : constant Ada.Calendar.Time :=
Ada.Calendar.Time_Of (Year => 1970,
Month => 1,
Day => 1);
use type Ada.Calendar.Time;
Time_Now : constant Ada.Calendar.Time := Ada.Calendar.Clock;
Time_Since_Epoch : constant Duration := Time_Now - The_Unix_Epoch;
In_Microseconds : constant Integer_64
:= Integer_64 (Time_Since_Epoch * 1.0e6);
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("result:" & In_Microseconds'Image);
end Get_Current_Time;
Or, instead of The_Unix_Epoch
, you could store the current clock at the start of your program, if you just want elapsed time.