
Pydantic v2 custom type validators with info

I'm trying to update my code to pydantic v2 and having trouble finding a good way to replicate the custom types I had in version 1. I'll use my custom date type as an example. The original implementation and usage looked something like this:

from datetime import date
from pydantic import BaseModel

class CustomDate(date):
    # Override POTENTIAL_FORMATS and fill it with date format strings to match your data
    def __get_validators__(cls):
        yield cls.validate_date
    def validate_date(cls, field_value, values, field, config) -> date:
        if type(field_value) is date:
            return field_value
        return to_date(, field_value, cls.POTENTIAL_FORMATS, return_str=False)

class ExampleModel(BaseModel):
    class MyDate(CustomDate):
        POTENTIAL_FORMATS = ['%Y-%m-%d', '%Y/%m/%d']
    dt: MyDate

I tried to follow the official docs and the examples laid out here below and it mostly worked, but the info parameter does not have the fields I need (data and field_name). Attempting to access them gives me an AttributeError.

*** AttributeError: No attribute named 'field_name'

Both the Annotated and __get_pydantic_core_schema__ approaches have this issue

from datetime import date
from typing import Annotated

from pydantic import BaseModel, BeforeValidator
from pydantic_core import core_schema  

class CustomDate:

    def validate(cls, field_value, info):
        if type(field_value) is date:
            return field_value
        return to_date(info.field_name, field_value, potential_formats, return_str=False)

    def __get_pydantic_core_schema__(cls, source, handler) -> core_schema.CoreSchema:
        return core_schema.general_plain_validator_function(cls.validate)

def custom_date(potential_formats):
    :param potential_formats: A list of datetime format strings
    def validate_date(field_value, info) -> date:
        if type(field_value) is date:
            return field_value
        return to_date(info.field_name, field_value, potential_formats, return_str=False)
    CustomDate = Annotated[date, BeforeValidator(validate_date)]
    return CustomDate

class ExampleModel(BaseModel):
    class MyDate(CustomDate):
        POTENTIAL_FORMATS = ['%Y-%m-%d', '%Y/%m/%d']
    dt: MyDate
    dt2: custom_date(['%Y-%m-%d', '%Y/%m/%d'])

If I just include the validate_date function as a regular field_validator I get info with all the fields I need, it's only when using it with custom types that I see this issue. How do I write a custom type that has access to previously validated fields and the name of the field being validated?


  • As of version 2.4 you can get the field_name and data together. See the updated docs here.

    Now the first version of my custom data type looks like:

    class CustomDate:
        def validate(cls, field_value, info):
            if type(field_value) is date:
                return field_value
            return to_date(info.field_name, field_value, cls.POTENTIAL_FORMATS, return_str=False)
        def __get_pydantic_core_schema__(cls, source, handler) -> core_schema.CoreSchema:
            return core_schema.with_info_before_validator_function(
                cls.validate, handler(date), field_name=handler.field_name

    Where all I needed to change was which core_schema validator function I was using. The second version of my custom data type (the one using Annotated) now works as is with no changes.

    Before Pydantic 2.4

    It looks like accessing and info.field_name inside a custom type validator is not currently possible in v2 according to this feature request.

    If all you need is, then it looks like you can define your validator with core_schema.field_before_validator_function (I'd guess all the field_* validators work), although you will need to make up a field name:

    from dataclasses import dataclass
    from typing import Annotated, List, Any, Callable
    from pydantic import ValidationError, BaseModel, Field, BeforeValidator, field_validator, GetCoreSchemaHandler
    from pydantic_core import core_schema, CoreSchema
    def fn(v: str, info: core_schema.ValidationInfo, *args, **kwargs) -> str:
            print(f'Validating {info.field_name}')
        except AttributeError as err:
            return 'No data'
    class AsFieldB4Method(str):
        def __get_pydantic_core_schema__(
            cls, source_type: Any, handler: GetCoreSchemaHandler, *args, **kwargs
        ) -> CoreSchema:
            return core_schema.field_before_validator_function(fn, 'not_the_real_field_name', core_schema.str_schema())
    class MyModel(BaseModel):
        use_this: str
        core_schema_field_b4_method: AsFieldB4Method  # Partially works

    From the comments, it sounds like the pydantic team want to make it work with non-field validators and to make accessing info.field_name possible, so hopefully that happens. I'll update this answer when the change happens, but check that link in case I missed it.