I am using a third party email service to handle all my emails and I am running into an issue when attempting to resend an invitation to a client.
When I attempt to perform the following, there is no raw_invitation_token
def resendInvitation
user = User.find(params[:id])
user = User.invite!(email: user.email, location_id: user.location_id) do |u|
u.skip_invitation = true
p "TOKEN: #{user.raw_invitation_token}" # TOKEN IS NIL
SendNewClientEmail.perform_later(user.id, user.raw_invitation_token)
Here's the job that handles the invite:
class SendNewClientEmail < ApplicationJob
queue_as :default
def perform(user_id, token)
@user = User.find(user_id)
return unless @user.present? && @user.client.present?
client = @user.client
location = @user.location
email = @user.email
'client_id' => client.try(:id),
'token' => token
How else can I access that token so that the link in the email will work? Is there another token I can use or some other way this will work?
It is because the user is already created. Based on the Document Reference
Please try the following
user = User.find(:id)
user.invite!({ skip_invitation: true }, current_user) # current user is optional to set the invited_by attribute
You can also do this if you have added :skip_invitation to attributes hash if skip_invitation is added to attr_accessible.
User.invite!(skip_invitation: true)
When skip_invitation is used, you must also set the invitation_sent_at field when the user is sent their token. Failure to do so will yield an “Invalid invitation token” error when the user attempts to accept the invite.