I am using hyperlinks in SwiftUI which are highlighted, but I also want them to be underlined as well. Is that possible?
Text("This [link](https://google.com) goes to google")
How can I make the link part underlined?
You can search for link runs in the attributed string and based on their ranges modify the attributes of the main string:
let baseString = "Hello [World](https://www.google.com) this is [Google](https://www.yahoo.com)"
var text = try! AttributedString(markdown: baseString)
let runsWithLinks = text.runs.filter { run in
run.link != nil
for run in runsWithLinks {
text[run.range].font = .system(size: 18).monospaced() // extra example
text[run.range].foregroundColor = .gray // extra example
text[run.range].underlineStyle = .init(pattern: .solid, color: .green)
Previewing the above example yields this result:
During my testing, using .underlineColor
had no effect. I'm not sure why.