
How can I find why some classic asp pages randomly take a real long time to execute?

I'm working on a rather large classic asp / SQL Server application. A new version was rolled out a few months ago with a lot of new features, and I must have a very nasty bug somewhere : some very basic pages randomly take a very long time to execute.

A few clues :

Any idea what the problem is or on how to solve that kind of problem ?



Edit :

The problem came from memory fragmentation. Some asp pages were used to download files from the server. File sizes could go from a few kb to more than 2 gb. These variations in size induced memory fragmentation. The asp pages could also take quite some time to execute (the time for the user to download the pages minus what is put in cache at IIS's level), which is not really standard for server pages that should execute quickly.

This is what I did to improve things :

References for LFH :


  • Can you establish whether this is a problem for all pages or a common subset of pages?

    If a subset examine what these pages have in common, for example they all use a specific COM dll, that other pages don't.

    Does this problem affect multiple clients or just a few?

    IOW is there an issue with a specific browser OS version.

    Is this public or intranet?

    Can you reproduce the problem from a client you own?