
What's the best way to declare Color for SwiftUI

What's the best way to declare Color for SwiftUI ?

I've ColorSet.xcassets and I need to provide some class or enum or extension that easiest to use with components.

import SwiftUI

extension Color {

    public static let baseGrayLight = Color("baseGrayLight")
    public static let baseGrayMedium = Color("baseGrayMedium")


I think extension may be the best way because it doesn't need to class name everywhere to use. But it doesn't work in SwiftUI because component's arguments aren't only Color.

I'm not sure others function that may require others class. How it should be ? What's class type I need to use ?

enter image description here

I need some standard to help me to resolve this issues.


  • If your goal is to avoid writing the name of the enclosing type (e.g. Color) all the time, you can write it as an extension of ShapeStyle where Self == Color:

    extension ShapeStyle where Self == Color {
        static var fooColor: Color {

    Since Xcode 15, extensions like this can be automatically generated from the colors in the asset catalog if you set these build settings:

    enter image description here

    Note that when you write e.g. fill(.red), you are calling this overload, taking a ShapeStyle, and optionally a FillStyle. Do not confuse this with the overload that takes only a FillStyle.

    You don't need to worry about "others function that may require others class", because there is no "others class" [sic]. Color only conforms a fixed set of protocols. Of those, only ShapeStyle declares the built-in color constants.

    You don't need to redeclare these again in a Color extension, because Color conforms to ShapeStyle.

    By declaring your custom colors in ShapeStyle, you ensured that everywhere you can use a built-in color without the Color. prefix, you can use your own custom color without the Color. prefix.