
Postprocessing Perspective Transformation in Three.js

i want to create a scene in three.js, where the camera is moving. In every frame there are 4 points visible which form a quadriliteral. Subsequently, I want to process each frame by warping these 4 points to the canvas edges, so that they form a rectangle with the same size as the canvas. Ideally I would do this with the post-processing solution of three.js by creating a shader and passing it to the ShaderPass() class, but I am thankful for any other solution.

I have read about perspective transforms and came accross this post: Transform quadrilateral into a rectangle? . I understand how to create the transformation matrix but I am a bit confused on how to apply it in post-processing to a 2d image frame because I only read about applying transformation matrices to 3d objects.

I attached an image showing the canvas output before the post-processing step. I want to warp the 4 corners of the red quadriliteral to the canvas edges. I know their coordinates in 3d world space and 2d screen space by using the .project() method of three.js.

enter image description here

I tried the post-processing in a project with p5.js and opencv.js by using opencv's warpPerspective() function and it kind of worked, but I want to switch to three.js for different reasons.

Any help or pointers to relevant topics are highly appreciated!

Thanks, Luca


  • After several hours of confusion, I finally solved the problem and created a shader for three.js that does perspective warping. I used the 'dltjs' library ( to calculate the homography matrix. In the warpPoint() function in the fragment shader, the matrix is multiplied by a coordinate and then dehomogenized to compute the transformed coordinate.

    Here is the WarpShader code. p0 contains the rectangle points, p1 the quadrilateral points. M is the homography matrix, which is then passed to the shader as a uniform.

    import * as THREE from 'three';
    import dlt from 'dltjs';
    let p0 = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]];
    let p1 = [[0.3, 0.3], [0.1, 0.9], [0.9, 0.1], [0.9, 0.9]];
    let M = dlt.dlt2d(p0, p1);
    const WarpShader = {
        uniforms: {
            tDiffuse: null,
            transformMat: {
                value: new THREE.Matrix3(
                    M[0][0], M[0][1], M[0][2],
                    M[1][0], M[1][1], M[1][2],
                    M[2][0], M[2][1], M[2][2]
        vertexShader: /* glsl */`
            varying vec2 vUv;
            void main() {
                gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );
                vUv = uv;
        fragmentShader: /* glsl */`
            uniform sampler2D tDiffuse;
            varying vec2 vUv;
            uniform mat3 transformMat;
            vec2 warpPoint(mat3 transformMat, vec2 p) {
                vec3 result = transformMat * vec3(p, 1.0); // transformation
                return vec2(result.x / result.z, result.y / result.z); // dehomogenization
            void main() {
                vec2 coords = warpPoint(transformMat, vUv);
                gl_FragColor = texture2D(tDiffuse, coords);
    export { WarpShader };