
Setting up Codeigniter HMVC with tank auth

I am having trouble getting a working Codeigniter version 2.0.3 with hmvc and tank auth(set up as a module) setup properly. I have installed CI properlly and then install HMVC with these directions

I get to my welcome controller/view as example just fine which means the HMVC is working. Next I try to add tank auth to the project by adding it to a folder in the modules folder. It has the proper controller/view/model etc.. setup within the tank auth. I even added in routes something like


I also extended the controller within the auth module to MX_Controller like as directed. Also in the constructor I have :

$this->load->helper(array('form', 'url'));
    $this->load->library('security'); <--failing to load this

     $this->form_validation->CI =& $this;

It seems to be redirecting fine to the module however it comes up with an error saying ::

An Error Was Encountered

Unable to load the requested class: security

What am I doing wrong? Does any one have a working CI installation with HMVC and tank auth as a module so I can see how its done? I'm new to HMVC, thanks


  • I found the same problem, but i solved by simple adding a comment to the


    so it will look like this:


    since security its now part of the codeigniter core, i guess its already loaded by default, and everything seems to be working pretty good